1. Don't ignore the urge.
When you feel a bowel movement coming on, DO listen to nature's call (there's a good reason for it) and find a bathroom as soon as you can. Ignoring the urge to go is a fast way to constipation. The longer your stools remain in the colon, the drier they become, making them more difficult to expel. We all have the same bodies with the same functions, after all! There are hundreds of lavatories in New York City. Let's get out there and use them!
2. Get your fill of fiber.
Increase the amount of dietary fiber in your meals by replacing empty calories and vapid, fizzy drinks with whole-grains and raw or roasted vegetables, including cruciferous kinds like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale.
Eat 1-2 pieces of fruit a day, depending on your sugar tolerance. Reduce the amount of protein you are getting from meat to the size of the palm of your hand. Vegetables, on the other hand, should fill the plate. Delicious! Minimize your intake of cheeses, refined sugar, pastries, sweets, candy and anything made with white flour. Please eat only meat and fish that is chemical and hormone free.
3. Stay hydrated.
Don't let yourself get thirsty. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal infusions with this caveat: don't drink a lot of water with your meals if you have digestive issues as it dilutes your digestive enzymes and the healthy acids in your stomach.
4. Go with the flow.
Having regular colonics can have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and aid in the improved function of the organs responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. When the process of digestion and elimination are flowing smoothly many common issues are naturally alleviated.
5. Keep moving.
Moderate physical exercise, such as walking and yoga, at least four times a week will help you stay regular. Also, sing out loud at least three times a week! Singing your favorite song-the one that grooves and brings joy to your solar plexus-does what splashing water does to a duck's tail. It feels good.
When you feel a bowel movement coming on, DO listen to nature's call (there's a good reason for it) and find a bathroom as soon as you can. Ignoring the urge to go is a fast way to constipation. The longer your stools remain in the colon, the drier they become, making them more difficult to expel. We all have the same bodies with the same functions, after all! There are hundreds of lavatories in New York City. Let's get out there and use them!
2. Get your fill of fiber.
Increase the amount of dietary fiber in your meals by replacing empty calories and vapid, fizzy drinks with whole-grains and raw or roasted vegetables, including cruciferous kinds like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale.
Eat 1-2 pieces of fruit a day, depending on your sugar tolerance. Reduce the amount of protein you are getting from meat to the size of the palm of your hand. Vegetables, on the other hand, should fill the plate. Delicious! Minimize your intake of cheeses, refined sugar, pastries, sweets, candy and anything made with white flour. Please eat only meat and fish that is chemical and hormone free.
3. Stay hydrated.
Don't let yourself get thirsty. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal infusions with this caveat: don't drink a lot of water with your meals if you have digestive issues as it dilutes your digestive enzymes and the healthy acids in your stomach.
4. Go with the flow.
Having regular colonics can have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and aid in the improved function of the organs responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. When the process of digestion and elimination are flowing smoothly many common issues are naturally alleviated.
5. Keep moving.
Moderate physical exercise, such as walking and yoga, at least four times a week will help you stay regular. Also, sing out loud at least three times a week! Singing your favorite song-the one that grooves and brings joy to your solar plexus-does what splashing water does to a duck's tail. It feels good.