What is a Colonic?
Colonics, also known as Colon Hydrotherapy (CHT), high enema or colonic irrigation, is a gentle method of internally cleansing your colon of poisons, gas, and accumulated waste matter, without the use of drugs or chemicals. Used in combination with a regimen of proper nutrition and regular exercise, regular colon cleansing can be a powerful tool for breaking unhealthy habits and maintaining optimum health throughout your lifetime.
why get A colonic?
1. If you suffer from:
It has been proven that Colonics help with the above conditions.
"Death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons
that are plugged up to 80% with waste material." (Vegetarian Times)
"Death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons
that are plugged up to 80% with waste material." (Vegetarian Times)
Chronic constipation resulting from stress, poor diet, and the use of anti-depressants and other harsh prescription medications are just some of the many reasons people seek treatment with Philomena. To help her patients reach their individual healthcare goals, she draws upon numerous disciplines, including ayurvedic pulse reading, tongue diagnosis, and, when necessary, the wisdom of fellow medical and holistic specialists. Results follow, and many of her clients report that the relief and renewed energy they experience after treatment motivates them to make other positive changes in their lives.
3. feel gloriously better
Every day our bodies are being bombarded with pollutants from food, air, and stress, so it stands to reason that when your colon is cleansed, re-hydrated, and rejuvenated, the well-being of your entire body is enhanced. Make the decision to detoxify your life today. More energy, happiness, and better health await you at PURE Colonics!
To learn more about how Colon Hydrotherapy can help you, schedule an appointment at PURE Colonics today.
Open 7 days a week, call ( 212) 792-6010.
To learn more about how Colon Hydrotherapy can help you, schedule an appointment at PURE Colonics today.
Open 7 days a week, call ( 212) 792-6010.